


    Israeli anger at India clothing shop called Hitler

"I don't think they have named the store out of malice, I think it's just ignorance and insensitivity on their part," (Orna Sagiv:イスラエルの駐インド総領事)
無知で無神経(ignorance and insensitivity)なのかもしれないが、その割に、ロゴのヒトラーのiの字に鍵十字が描かれている。
The store has Hitler written in large letters over the front and a Nazi swastika symbol makes up the dot on the letter "i".
Its owner says he did not know who Adolf Hitler was and the store is named after a business partner's grandfather who was called Hitler for being strict.
 店主がいうには、アドルフ・ヒトラーのことは知らなかったが、知人(business partner)の祖父が厳しい人で、ヒトラーと呼ばれていたことから店の名前にしたとのことだ。
Mr Shah said he would change the store's name if he was compensated for re-branding costs.
He said he had spent 150,000 rupees (about $2,700; £1,700) on the logo, hoarding and business cards.

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