A Point Of View: What kind of superpower could China be?
China has never colonised any overseas territories. Overseas empires were a European speciality, with Japan getting in on the act for a short while too.
China's relationship with them(*1) was based not on colonialism but what we now know as the tributary system. It neither ruled them nor occupied them. Rather, in return for access to the Chinese market and various forms of protection, the rulers of tribute states were required to give gifts - literally tribute - to the Emperor as a symbolic acknowledgement of China's superiority.
The seven great voyages of Zheng He between 1405 and 1433 around the East and South China Seas and across the Indian Ocean as far as East Africa left no permanent mark - they were about demonstrating the glory of the Middle Kingdom rather than a desire to conquer. Those who left China to settle in South East Asia were seen as leaving civilisation and deserving of no support or protection by the Emperor.国土が大きかったことから、他国を侵略する動機もわかず、中国は外部世界への関心が乏しい大国になった。
Compare that with the way in which Britain and France celebrated the heroes of their colonial expansion. Our cities are littered with statues and street names in their memory.
Rather than look outwards, China's leaders look inwards. The exception was China's own continental land mass. Its expansion, rather than to the four corners of the world, was confined to its own continent.※:朝貢貿易という国家間関係は欧米の感覚では理解が難しいと思うが、的確な説明をしていると思う。
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