
露悪趣味? その後

前回書いた露悪趣味? のその後。

Mr Shah(※) told the BBC: "Yes we are planning to change the name. There has been too much political pressure from the government."

 ※Mr Shah:店の経営者(Mr Chandani と共同経営)
  店の名前は Shah氏の共同経営者、 Chandani氏の祖父のニックネームに由来するという。だが、Chandani氏はその名前が600万人の犠牲者を生んだ独裁者から来ているものとは知らなかった、と言う。 
Mr Chandani says the shop's name was a tribute to his grandfather who was nicknamed Hitler because he was "very strict".

Others saw the name as a marketing gimmick in a country where the former German leader attracts unusual interest in some sections of society.

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